Unless you've been living under a rock or just landed back from Mars you're aware that the world is in utter and total disarray at the moment and If you thought you'd never live to see a Pandemic, guess what? You're currently living in it and your life has been cancelled! Anyhoooo, if you're not working from home and are quarantined AF, why not check out our list of a few things that you can do to help you get through 30 days of isolation(especially on weekends) without losing your mind.
PS. For Pete's sake please stop those goddamn Quarantine Challenges!
1. Hone Your Skills/Talents
Got a skill or talent that you love to do that doesn't involve leaving the house or socializing with people? Why not spend this time to hone that skill? Whether its culinary, dancing, singing, writing or art skills, you know you can do it! Besides what else have you got going on ATM besides umm..quarantine?
2. Read, Read, READ!
Books are your easiest gateway to the outside world when you're stuck indoors. Grab a good book or e-book and let your imagination run wild.
3. DVD/USB & Chill
We all have that one DVD/USB guy in Kla that hooks us up with the latest albeit bootleg versions of TV shows and movies. *cough* Funz Video..*cough*. Hit that dude up, you're gonna need him for the next few days. If you have high speed internet, then Netflix and chill away. Have you seen Tiger King??? Google it, it's Wild.
4. Create or build something from Scratch
I know we can't all be carpenters or craftsmen but there's nothing as fulfilling as building something from scratch whether it's a simple puzzle or a bookshelf! You can also write a song, a poem, movie script, knit that sweater, construct a play house for your kids etc..The list is endless! Look around your house and if you have the correct tools, create something and save it as a souvenir to remind you of that time you were quarantined for 30 days in the year 2020.
5. Catch up on your Cleaning
If you've been avoiding that total clean up that you keep putting away, now is the time to get to it!. Grab your brooms, mops and clean up your space, closet, kitchen cabinets, rearrange your furniture etc. Just get that clutter out of the way!
6. Exercise
If you're lucky enough to have gym equipment in your house now is the time to dust off those cobwebs. If not there are tons of exercise activities that you can partake in while at home including workout videos on youtube, cardio/jogging around your house and neighbourhood or perhaps just practicing daily Yoga and meditation to clear your mind.
7. Virtual Socialize With Friends & Family
Missing your homies? Schedule online group chats, drinks, dinner dates, game dates etc. This can be done via Zoom, Facetime, Whatsapp, Skype and many other online platforms.
8. Study a new online course
We all have enough room to learn something new. Check out some free courses online that can help you improve your knowledge. Also, why not use your free time to learn a new language?
9. Bond with your family
This is the time to spend some quality time with your close family especially if you have children.
10. Take a trip out of town
If you can afford to drive out of town to spend time in nature do it! There's no harm in driving out of town to spend some time camping outside away from other humans. If that ain't PEAK social distancing, we dunno what is.